April meeting - Elections and Q&A with Sensei Malathi

April 16th 2022

Eighteen members of our group got together online for our last meeting of the year, via Google Meet.  This would also be the election meeting.  We were all excited, to be electing the first committee of the Branch.

Here is the list of new office bearers:
  • Director - Mrs Malathi Pandurang - nominated by Prerana Mehta, and unanimously accepted.
  • Deputy Director - Mrs Chitra Rajan Nominated by Ambika Seconded by Prerana.
  • Second Deputy Director  - Mrs Divya Selvam Nominated by Meenakshi Sarin seconded by Ms Pushkala 
  • Programme Director - Mrs Meenakshi Sarin Nominated by Mrs Malathi seconded by Mrs Bhuvana.
  • Director of Branch Accounts - Mrs Trishala Vaishnav Nominated by Mrs Malathi seconded by Prerana.
The election meeting was followed by a Q&A session with Sensei Malathi and a demonstration to highlight artistic space - an area where there were many queries.

In her first composition, Sensei Malathi handled an interpretation in nagiere, with a naturalistic expression.

Using Kopsia branches from her garden, she created a wide space, with well-pruned branches, using the delicate gypsofilia to bring focus, while at the same time not hiding the beautiful ceramic vase.

Using a round glass container, she demonstrated linear creative space, and the technique of bending the branches after insertion in the Kenzan.

Suppose the vase itself creates an interesting space - how does one incorporate it into the composition?  That was Sensei Malathi's third composition.

This vase - lends itself to different interpretations, as she deftly rearranged showing a different side, and created different spaces for the eye to see and focus upon.  

With that we came to the end of the Ikebana year for the group, an eventful one focus, when we went from  a Study Group to a Branch.  We look forward to our meeting after the summer.
