Sogetsu demonstration at ABK event
19th March 2016 Sensei Molly, assisted by Chitra Rajan gave a demonstration of Sogetsu Ikebana, and here is the report by Chitra. A seminar on culture and society of Japan was a rranged at The Raintree Hotel Anna Salai on 19 Mar 2016 by ABK-AOTS Dosokai, Tamilnadu Centre on behalf of the Japanese Consulate to facilitate social inclusion of differently enable people through cultural exchange . Molly Cherian gave a demonstration on behalf of the Sogestu school of Chennai. The demonstration was striking depicting the minimalist classical style of Sogestu Ikebana. Three styles were demonstrated The audience which included Japanese Consul General Mr Seiji Baba, Japanese embassy staff, ABK staff and students and differently enabled persons and students from corporation schools watched with rapt attention and were very appreciative Sensei Molly with her arrangements - Upright Moribana style using yellow chr...