February meeting at ABK: Review of our annual exhibition by our Director.
At Our meeting in February a review of our annual exhibition was conducted by our Director Mrs Malathi Pandurang.
Twelve of our members attended this meeting held at ABK on the 24th of February.
Our chairperson Mrs Malathi Pandurang began the review by thanking the tremendous efforts of our members Miss Satya, Mrs Pushkala and Mrs Chitra Thiagarajan to make the exhibition a complete success.
Mrs Malathi Pandurang also acknowledged the gracious support of Mr Gopinath, Mrs Latha and Miss Satya of Cholamandal Artists’ village.
The exemplary team spirit of the members of our Branch was lauded by Mrs Pandurang.
Our senior sensei Mrs Padma Swaminathan decided to give away two of her unique ikebana containers to our members.
Hence Sensei Mrs Ambika Chandrashekar conducted this informal auction and the proceeds were donated to the Branch by Mrs Padma Swaminathan
Padma Ma’m also graciously gave away her collection of ikebana books and miniature porcelain shells, to be used as accessories in ikebana arrangements to our members.
Thank you Padma Ma’m for your kind gesture.
Sensei Mrs Prerana Mehta received her Third Diploma Certificate from The Sogetsu School.

On the 11th of February our Chairperson Mrs Malathi Pandurang hosted a farewell teatime gathering at her residence for the Consul general Mr Taga Masayuki who had finished his term of office in Chennai and was soon retiring in Japan.Some of our
Members joined this farewell and had an informal meeting with the Consul General.
On the 14 th of February , The Consulate of Japan in Chennai celebrated the Birthday of HRH The Emperor of Japan.
Our Chairperson Mrs Malathi Pandurang was assisted by Sensei Divya Selvam in creating two ikebana arrangements at the Taj.