October - freestyle workshop

19th October 2019 Twelve member of the Study Group got together for the October meeting, demonstration and workshop. Initially, there was much cheering and clapping as Bhuvana and Chitra Rajan were awarded their first and second grade certificates. Then it was time for the demonstrations by our two senseis - Molly and Divya. Sensei Molly did her first composition in a large bell metal kadai - this is a cooking utensil of olden times. The kadai was used as a container. Two Coconut fronds - cleaned, sanded and painted orange mixed with gold dust inside. Kept erect as curved lines. For Massed Expression, she then used hydrangea flowers. The arrangement was completed, with with silver Oak leaves, that added depth. Sensei Molly - Metal kadai container, with painted coconut frond, hydrangea and silver oak leaves. Sensei Divya began with a more horizontal composition. She used jasmine vine in a wooden container , the chrysanthemums and ra...