New beginnings!

Jan 22nd. First meeting of the year at ABK AOTS Dosokai

The Sogetsu Study Group Chennai reconvened after the year end holidays, in good numbers and in even better spirits! Our activities started off with a bang as our Chairperson sensei Malathi demonstrated some important aspects of artistic space and using the same container in several ways. It was a wonderful learning, and we all benefitted from this articulate and expressive session from her.

Thirteen members were present.

She began with a Nagiere ceramic vase and her first composition contrasted thick and thin lines of the Dressina in her garden, with the yellow chrysanthemums providing a balance.

Naturalistic expression

With the same vase, and the same Dressina, Malathi sensei created a completely different mood and experience, complementing the bold upside down lines, with a dramatic and bold Heliconia.
Abstract expression

With the same vase once again a different expression was created, by the use of a tall and wide ixora branch from her garden and the Dressina line came down the surface of the vase.  The bold wide, exuberant sweep of the ixora was balanced with the strong colour and mass of the Heliconia.
Expression 3
Malathi sensei then moved to a moribana container, and once again demonstrated how the use of line and change of colours can create different moods.

Yellow chrysanthemums and bamboo give a "Japanese" feel to the arrangement

A more tropical feel with the monstera and anthurium.
We then had a freestyle workshop, with members experimenting with materials, vases and creative expressions.

Sensei Trishala worked with a pair of miniature vases with the fox tails being of interest to her.

Prerana sensei emphasised the wide sweep of the monstera in a spreading moribana

Chitra Rajan  practised the open style Variation

Pushkala used the Sogetsu kidney vase with palm materials from her campus, for an interesting composition

Janaki also used a Sogetsu vase with the jerbera lines adding elegance and grace.  (apologies for the makeshift background!)

With two attractive masses of bougainvillea, Divya created an eye-catching arrangement that complemented the vase, and had a lovely play on line and mass.
We ended with an election of office bearers for the next term.   Chitra Thiagarajan (Program coordinator) and Prerana (Treasurer) stepped down after a wonderful and efficient term, and handed over to Divya Selvam and Janaki Rao respectively.

We thank the outgoing office bearers and welcome the new executives, wishing them an enjoyable and fruitful stint!


Anonymous said…
How can I join the group?