Surface and Mass workshop

Sensei Molly demonstrating

Our November workshop was held at the Defence Officers' Club on November 12th.  The venue was a welcome change, set amidst a green oasis, tucked away in the military cantonment part of the city.

The hall was comfortable and well laid out
for us, with demonstration table, workshop tables, chairs and water.  Our member Nirmala Sunderam had booked the premises. As members were trooping in one by one the workshop got started

14 members were present.  Member introductions were carried out for Prerana and Molly.

Sensei Molly presented the theme "Surface and Mass", with two arrangements using homegrown material.
The first arrangement

While her first arragement used a cane "mat" as a vase, the second one was with a ceramic "compote".    She used lovely caladium leaves from her garden to emphasisize surface.

Caladium leaves, to show surface
Another view of the same arrangement
Members also participated in a workshop, interpreting surface and mass in many ways.
Divya used Asia lilies

Prerana balanced the surface of her palm leaf with the chrysanthemums

Kalpana used intertwined leaves for "mass" with the candlebush flower

Meenu used the surace of the banana leaf, dramatically

Janaki used our Indian garland of chrysanthemums, which she bunched together to create the effect of a mass

Another view
Trishala used chrysanthemums against the heliconia leaves
All in all, a chrysanthemum filled workshop!

Molly not only did the demonstration, but had made an eggless cake and very good 'murukku' which vanished in a jiffy, so also Nirmala's 'thayir vada' and Kalpana's Karachi cookies. Hot tea ended the


Jrao said…
Beautiful record of a very interesting day, and it's interesting to see how most of us have chosen yellow for our arrangements!