August meeting – Demonstration and workshop
August 13th 2022 Our August meeting at ABK had 14 members participating. Senior sensei Meenakshi Sarin demonstrated on “Structures” and Mrs. Bhuvana Shivasankaran demonstrated in glass containers. For her first arrangement Sensei Meenakshi Sarin started by arranging beautiful pieces of drift wood and used ceramic container behind them to arrange Indian almond tree leaves and colorful Lagastromia flowers, Halyconia and gypsophila. It was a beautiful creation. For her second arrangement Sensei Meenakshi used a combination of black and white fibre glass containers and a structure made with straws with black and white pattern commemorating the chess tournament which was recently held in the city. The neat straw structure was made by Mrs. Shylaja and Mrs Bhuvana. Indian almond tree branches were used beautifully in both the arrangements made by Sensei Meenakshi. For her first arrangement Mrs. Bhuvana used a beautifully woven palm leaf inserted in a gla...