A hybrid demonstration - Ikebana: A Mindful Practice
August 11, 2021 Sensei Dalley Verghese, a member of FLO - FICCI Ladies Organisation - was instrumental in our Sogetsu group's first public demonstration, since the start of the pandemic in 2020. It was an exciting proposition. Riji Malathi, our Chairperson requested the teaching sensei of the group to accompany her and demonstrate the art. The title of the demonstration was "Ikebana: A Mindful Practice" . Sensei Dalley had a beautiful Ikebana composition to welcome all, at the entrance The event was organised at The Folly, in the Amethyst compound, and the morning started off with a little talk on bonsai before we started our demonstration. Riji Malathi introduced the art to the 20 odd members who were present in the hall. Other FLO members as well as our Group members were present and viewing online. In her opening remarks, she emphasised the role of Line and Asymmetry as key to Ikebana, and the need to be one with the material and respond to it. We adhere...