July 2012 - we meet again after the summer break
Three members of the Sogetsu Study Group Chennai visited Japan in connection with the Ikebana International convention and the post convention Sogetsu seminar, in April-May! As the group re-convened after the summer other members were eager to hear their experiences, and the first meeting of the year was a recap of their wonderful trip. Members listening with interest! A photo essay of the trip. Mr Cherian marvelled at the discipline, politeness and cleanliness of Japanese society, Molly made so many new friends, and for Dalley it was an experience of a lifetime! Malathi sensei recounts her various experiences. Arriving at the Tokyo airport to a warm reception The salt cheedais that went to the friendship room, all the way from Chennai! Our three members exchangin notes With a Japanese friend! The Sogetsu demonstration at the convention On to the Sogetsu school for the post-convention seminar. Plaque placed in the lobby ...