October workshop - Emphasizing line

The October workshop for the Sogetsu group was held at ABK-AOTS Dosokai, and the focus was on line this time. We missed Vaishali , Seethalakshmi, Trishala and Pushkala who could not make it due to other commitments.

We started off with a demonstration by Molly, who was calm, confident and quick as she put together these three lovely arrangements emphasizing line.

Molly - Golden Cane Palm lines, with ixora flowers
Molly - Palm lines and caladium leaves

If I remember right, in this arrangement below, Molly used Petria vine for the lovely lines and flowers and berries as jushis.

There are two views of the same arrangement.

We then all took part, with natural line dominating the workshop. In retrospect, it appears that none of us tried abstract lines!


Anonymous said…
Noticing that pinholders are showing in one or two arrangements. Photographs and commentary are as usual good.We missed Seetalakshmi also as she is an ardent ikebanaist. Molly congrats once again. Next workshop is scheduled for November 16th, 11 am. Will inform if there is any change in the program. Theme is 'Colour'. Malathi.